The story of The Smuggler
#i #dont #know #natives #meybeh #but #theese markings #has #been #here #since #god #knows #when. #why #have #people #shutted #this #place #out? #well #some #say #that #the #spirits #of #the #once #who #lived #here Still #lives #on, #people #say #that #they #sometimes #see #strange #lights #from #the #buildings. #i #heard #one #story #that #there #was #A #smuggler #from #the #slums #who #was #walking #around #theese #parts #when #suddenly #clouds #gatherd #like #as #if #some #strange #power #and #rain #started #to #drip #down #on #the #wide #plains. #well #thats #not #very #mystical.. #no #the #mystical #part #was #that #the #rain #was #quiet #what #do #you #mean #the #rain #was #quiet? #there #was #no #sound #you #chould #not #hear #anything, #my #friend #told #me #that #he #thought #he #had #gone #deaf #so #he #tried #claping #his #hands. #he #said #that #the #only #thing #the #man #heard #that #night #was #his #own #movements #like #claping #schraches #and #his #foot #steps #when #the #man #came #back #after #his #smuggeling #trip #he #had #gone #insane #and #was #sentenced #to #the #hathouse. #wow #thats ... #do #you #belive #all #theese #things? #well #i #dont #know #but #one #things #clear #and #its #that there is a tension in this place, its in The grund and in The air. Then wether its spirits, holy ground The weather i dont know.
albert pinewhod and bob couplings fishers tale
I can not take you with me
All you haf to do.
You gadda laugh you know.
You Will naat..
You Will Nat Understand The Depth I Reach To Play or Express Nor Will Artists Of My Kaliber.
Fair enough and ill tell you
Its My world
I CANT take anyone with me to Thouse places
You gadda laugh you know.
You Will naat..
You Will Nat Understand The Depth I Reach To Play or Express Nor Will Artists Of My Kaliber.
Fair enough and ill tell you
Its My world
I CANT take anyone with me to Thouse places
no dice
What is he doing
Då aka vi se här.
I see u saw and i dont know what im talkin about.
There is no hidden thing here to see.
ja bara försöker blomma in i sömn läge
men om jag ska säga nått så får ja la göra de lixxom.
har inget i kistan.. Den är tomm.
Och jag har ingenting att säga.
det finns en mening med detta inlägget dock.
im out of words. Im a Tired man. I just wanna end it all. Releeeese me please!!! It is soul torture.
Ma brain is screaming.
please fack pgfffffffd
the black bird is still theere!! What must i do?
oooh deerrrr Will you ever leave Black Bird?