Den Äldre Herren.

en äldre herre,

walking down the street.
- nu må man vara hungrig får ja säga.
tänkte herren för sig själv efter som att det inte var någon om kring som kunde läsa just tankar.
d hade inte slagit fel med en stil-full mundering på en märkvärdig minister vid just denna tidpunkten i denna lokal.
eller varför inte någon from av böjlig plast macka med en kalkon sittandes på en aningen skrumpen sten.
kanske till och med lite måssa på.
- salt tänkte herren för sig sjelv utan tanke läsare.

some times the words have no meaning.

den äldre herren gick ner för det allt stil fulla torget.
en skylt

(" kontor ")

-hmm där skulle man kunna tänkas köpa något tänkte mannen för sig sjelv trots all på-gående trafik.
mannen gick in i den lilla kiosken.

" jaha hur står det till en sådan förtjusande dah?"

- jo det är vell fridfullt vill man tycka.

" vad var det jag kunde ställa till med?"

- nehe men det var ju som så att jag tänkas köpa en bakelse.

"  jasså ja men nu ska vi ju inte vara på d humsmöret. "
"  får den vara viskeplig eller förorenad?"

- ööh. viskeplig.

" rak-lödder eller köttsår?"

- nee men jag kan få be och åter-komma

" jaha så ni va på DEEEE HUMMÖÖÖRET!

- smöret.. ja men visst ja! d skall vi ha massor av minnsan. # HÅ HÅ! pyttsan #

mannen bakom kattedern sträckte fram en vidskeplig bakullze med åter kommning.

- jaha och hur skall det betalas vid detta till-fälle?

" här ska vi inget betala för de mår vara så mycket väl som gratis. "

- det ska vi tacka för.

" tack, tack."

- tack, tack.

av huggen: Emil Alves Andreasson


säg att jag åkte till stockholm
inte varför bara att jag åkte till stockholm.
vistas i denna stad långt bort.
men inget du tänker på.
d kan lika gjärna va lite Len-ge, Len-ge.



förflyttningen sker på plan. just like thée.
i cud use a vaksination så att säga.

(det är ett annat ord för semester)

det är inte mycket att läsa om man är dresserad. 

(ett annat ord för intresserad)

han e djuup denna mannen må jag säga.
den ända personen han känner är sig sjelv.
men endå inte.
och inte ska han vara ensam om det.
så är d med alla.

den enda man känner är sig sjelv.
den enda man kan förutsäga.

för dej är du den viktigaste.
för mig är jag den viktiaste.
sätta det i en stav-mixer
and u got a pain in the ass.

Emil Alves fucki'n Anderasson - en anonym kille.



can u see mee

Ljudlöst Likt Månen

i don't know what to say.
there is stuff in there..
but i dont know how to say.


i had a taste of how it might bee.
i can not take the risk.

desperata försök att gömma det i meningar.
glömma det. 
jag förblir sittande i min bana... ljudlöst likt månen.
medans den svarta fågeln kvittrar vidare.
lycklig och naiv om förmågan.

d e typsikt.

Another Land - Chapter 2

Chapter 2  -  The Dancing Spirit Man

the boy looked to the right on the beach and saw a man with colorfull clothing, and a wierd kind of clothing on his head.
the boy had only seen the color ones before and that was in the sky when the spirits danced and that is very reare. his father told him that day that he was very lucky to had lived to see it.
the man had a walking stick in his left hand. A very straight and fancy one with dark colord wood, perfectly polish'd.
the man raised his closed fist, opend it and shaked it back and forth a few times.


"dont be afraid my son. they walk on our trail." said Great Owls Claw.
now they are almost at the long house. "we will meet the leader over there. his name is Aceses".
and very right. there stood a man in snow white chlothing similar to the Spirit man.
they came near the shore and Owl Is Wise toss the rope to the white man. he ties it to a tree next to him, then he helpd first - Owl Is Wise – then - Great Owls Claw - and then the little boy.
the boy noticed when he was going to take his hand that he had skin gloves like they use to have in the winter but with no furr and mutch tighter. he grabbs the snow white glove and pulls him self up on to the shore.
" Hello i haven't seen you before. whats youre name?"
"he can not speak BlackBird very well yet" Said Great Owls Claw, and placed his hands on the boys shoulders. 
"aah i see. not doing youre home work ey."
they stared at him with wierd looks on there faces.
"ooh never mind" said the white man. - "you can call me Acess.. but i guess you already know that dont you?"
the only word the boy chould pick up was "Acess".

so he awnserd
- "Little Long Claw".
- "nice to meet you "Little Long Claw"

yes.. yes it is

something colorfull apeard behind the tree next to Acess, the boy recodnised the color. it was the Dancing Spirit Man.
"oh well theres a suprise" said Acess not one bit suprised.
the man looked at Owl is Wise and Great Claw and slightly lifted his head-clothing. then he took a few steps away from the tree so that he was almost next to Acess, he lifted his walking stick and waived a few times when suddenly, a wood chair apeard. then he sat down and crossed his legg over the other. the boy had heard about this sort of thing, there was a old lady back home who told him that there was people on the other side of the land that chould turn water to ice and make trees come alive and slay the living.

the Dancing Spirit Man looked at him and waved his hand. " Go to him" said Great Claw, the boy hesitated for a second. Great Owls Claw poked him twards the spirit man, the boy went slowly up to the man. the man took off his tight gloves and bent forward towards the boy. he closed his hands with still some space left in them, after a few second the boy heard a.....

Piip... Piip.. Piip...

the spirit man opend his hands again and it was a small baby Owl. it looked like a tiny ball of feathers with two big yeallow eyes. The Man reached out closer to the boy. The little boy held upp his hands like the man and the little bird walked four small stepps into his arms and sat down perfectly calm. The boy looked up at the man with a happy smile.
the man blincked his eye and started melting in with the backround untill he was gone. and the only thing left  was the chair he sat on.

” I think he ment for you to keep it.” said Aces with a smile.


Another Land - chapter 1

Another Land

Chapter 1 -  Jurney To Another Land

the little boy was sitting in the back of the kanoo.
his father - Great Owls Claw - sat infront of him paddeling with - Owl Is Wise who was one of the four wise men.
they all sat quietly, the only thing they heard was the sound of the paddels sturring the surfis of the water and  the distant sound of a bird singning.


- We Are close.
said - Owl Is Wise. it was the first time the boy ever heard him saying anything, he mostley just sat quietly looking out over the trees and mountains. he was older than father maybe thats why.
they paddeld around the cornor and saw a small mountain rising upp from the water.
there was a fire and next to it there was some thing built in to the mountain, perhaps it is a crossing for people to walk over thought the boy. as they get closer he could see a person standing next to the crossing.
The man had black clothes and he was black in his face from coal, he put his right hand up with his fist closed.
that was how they sad hello in the Owls part of the land. 

both - Great Owls Claw - and - Owl Is Wise - is still quiet.
as they go around the mountain the boys eyes expanded from beeing normal to the size of eagle eggs.
he could not belive his eyes.
there was tall blocks of stone and wood formed into a big and high sculptures.
the little boy had never seen anything like it.
"What are they?" - said the boy.
- Owl Is Wise - Awnserd "they call them house.." "It is were they feed and sleep."
as they continue they go further into the odd landscape they spot a long, high house. it looked like a tree with no branches made out of stone.

Poesi För Dom som Tänker För Mycket.


- jaha du..
- vilken?
- tja vet inte, du står här och säger vilken...
- och du står bara och säger jaha.

du kan la fråga Majlis om baconen då?
- nehe du,,, hon e för ful.
det var ju attans tå-paj för guds skull.
- ha ha! pyttsan. på min tid var det kneckebrö, när jag fick ord på smaken.


sju sjöar sjöljs ner i en svensk kall tvättad smör-balja.
- det var lite mer en att ljuga. ska du ha en tjuga?
- tusen spänn!


sand dynan är gratis men den är ta mig fan i alla fal ingen pulka på G.
men g kraft det har den fru frugan med bebisar 6. i huset är det knarrigt och tort.
under huset äger en cosa-nostra sit down med alla grävlingarna.
men den är gratis.


svarta fågels sitter på sin kvist så fin.
lider inte piiin, den e bara fin.
-lille pojken vill hålla.
det får du inte.
den e inte dinn.
det är en fri liten fågel.
kommer man för nära flyger den sin kos.
d e typiskt.


jasså men du e inte blå i blodet well?
- nej men docktorn sa att jag äter för mycket krabater.
så länge d inte är drottningens äpplen så att säga.
- jo d e ju d.
vet ju att det har varit mycket avbrutna samtal tackvare andra individer som lägger sig i.
precis som när man paddlar kanoter och sånt.
- aa det vet man ju framför allt närman är med Herman.


ååh va jobbigt.
what is niitwiit?

Kid the Explorer


Kid the Explorer

try this n try that n try that and then this.
WOOW! what was that?
-youre life.
huh.. do i get a new one?..
-nope sorry


Judgment-Day, Yes but still like you.

may be crazy not stupid. see u haven't.
no,no,no. thats silly.
youre a good kid.
stupid thoww.
- do never think ill of a person. treat him or her like she is 10 times smarter than u untill they prove otherwise.
And there we go.

you are stupid my friend.. No,No. i tried to see youre greatness.


Men Icke Ska Ja Bli Stämplad Inte

nej,nej d e stämpeln som är fruktad från denna sidan.
men HHH! du är ju redan stämplad.



men men. fortfarande bra människa vettu.


just nu gratis.

LAAAAT! enna lite slöööö. d e sinnet som gör d vettu.
lite av en poet eller?
- jag är bara mig sjelv så långt ja vet av denna tid jag har levt på detta golv, detta betong.
men om du vill kalla mig för poet så e d lungt. om du vill kalla mig för syk-fall. lungt, jag kommer sällan knyta mina nävar i ditt fezz.


e redan tillräckligt beng.
D inte enns gratis.

so don't come to me. illl come to you if i need any help beeing what i allready am.


låt mig inte mig störa i just dessa sammanhangen.
men gärna annars vettu.

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