Hehehe! That Ain't Gonna Change The Facts
how people look and pople stare, well i don't think that i even care. just take a look around and what do you see, great suffering and missery so come and step inside my dreams. take my hand and weill go riding thrue the sun shine of the poor weill find happiness together thrue the summer skyes of love. faces shine a deadly smile, lock up on you had youre trail. where's he going no tomorrow. lend youre body to a corps. lend youre body to a cohorps. wall of sleep is lying cool and bright. does to me. i feel free, i can fly air plane with my mind! ay? pinsh me damn u feel i go flat walked over a cross plant that growes out in the woods and feilds. polka. sallad..the wizard is near. evryones happy does thats cuz his magic. in here. he can see us, never talking just keeps walking. sairs. harp. flower all alone where nowere man has walked. long story short. chrashing on the moon. here the songs long ritten down. drums.. what hides in the deep. scary! stop thinkin that! down the ocan where a new life begins. where there is no sound only voices in youre head. darkness feel never seen light burn never felt the dry the pain there must be. pressure. down in the deep. no wood just water, hard rock surfiz and sand if u ever be that long down it will be frightninn. stop. as seth fron rdr i whuld be taggged. words from deep within my brain.