they say dogs don't bark

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and they say madness don't make sence.
- Ah! well that is a facking question...
yeh.. it is.
- now I! whould assume you whould want a man like me to share the oppinion on such a matter do we now yes?
yeh i sapose so.

- WELL.. madness is such a over used word in hear. so you see i whould rather refer it to eeeeehhhh. over overflow of some sort energy preduced by repetision in a bladdeh nutshel over here. this beeing a tree side effect shant be very normal now shall it? and that is a side effect in it's own race in deed. and thats what we call mad.
batt realy when we think of mad people we thik of eeeeehh... murderers n such nonsence wich is not madness in this lot. NOWWW! what do you have to say youre self about this............?

i don't know i was kinda hoping for an awnser from you.

- mmmmMMMMMMMMmmmmm........... and they say Dogs bark up trees do they not dear?

eh.. is that a question?..

- not if you can't awnser you don't.


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